(forgive the slightly fuzz like picture. Lazily used the camera phone this AM~ forgoing the usual Nikon route).
This year we planted a garden. Well...every year we plant a garden. This year its actually producing things~ lots of things. Previous to this year we gardened in our yard; which is heavily shaded, rocky, and a bit sloped. Obviously not the most ideal growing environment for most edible goodies.
This year, we did what we should have done 6 years ago when we bought this house. We joined a local community garden group. Success.
Yesterday we reaped the first of the harvest with zucchini and lettuce abounding.
Without a doubt, zucchini bread will be made. For us, for the neighbors, for the CAKE&WHISKEY interns, for the mailman and for friends. Want some zucchini bread? Send me an email~ I'll take care of it.
And in my attempt to always find some healthy alternative to explore (for myself... I've given up on the rest of the boys of the house seeing the benefit of less gluten or sugar.) I whipped up this little recipe below with a serious hankering for some Sunday morning pancakes.
It has no sugar, no flour, only 1T of olive oil for the entire recipe...pretty much its just about as guilt free as you can get with something like pancakes. And the kicker? They taste pretty darn rad.
The recipe is adapted and switcheroo'd from a zucchini muffin recipe~ so after making a couple of pancakes (super filling), I filled muffin cups with the rest of the batter and baked the rest into muffins for the week ahead.
Zucchini Bread Pancakes
1/2 cup oat flour (finely ground oats in the food processor)
1/4 cup coconut flour (finely ground unsweetened coconut in the food processor)
2 t. cinnamon
1/2 t nutmeg
1 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
4 eggs
1/4 cup Stevia in the Raw (or 1/3 cup honey)
1t. vanilla
1 T olive oil
1/2 t. apple cider vinegar
1 banana (pureed)
1 cup zucchini, finely chopped
Mix the wet ingredients together in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients and then incorporate them into the egg/zucchini mixture. Mix thoroughly and set aside for 10 minutes.
Heat a non-stick skillet to medium. Pour 1/3 cup of the batter into the center of the pan (you're making pancakes...this is all pretty self explanatory at this point.) The key to these, is you need to let them cook a bit longer than your typical buttermilk pancake. I'd give it a good 3-5 minutes on one side before flipping. Make sure they aren't gooey on the inside still when you plate them.